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This is one resume format that we suggest you follow.

The purpose of the resume should be to make the interviewer aware of specific skills and experience you have that will be applicable to the job or internship you are applying for. So, when you are applying for the Enspyre Internship, you should edit your resume to show off any experience you have with marketing, communications, Internet, programming, writing etc; all skills that you will be useful in doing marketing for Enspyre. If you have done something special that shows that you take initiative and can solve problems would also be suggested. And for any job or position you have had, you should emphasize what you achieved and what you learned.






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  • 申請安石網路行銷實習




  • 淡江大學,國際貿易學系,GPA 3.0 , 2007~2011
  • 北投高中 2004~2006




  • 擔任話劇社社長,2004


  • 擔任班代 2008~2009



  • 系學會會員,2007/09~2010/03

-協辦系上活動, 如:大專院校聯辦巧克力傳情,義賣活動,迎新宿營

  • University of Michigan 交換生,主修Business,2009/08~2010/05
  • 參加拳道社,2007
  • 參加國標社,2008




  • 星巴克服務人員2007/03~2007/06

- 接待客戶, 協調內場人員排班事宜

  • 良心化妝品公司,行銷助理,2008/07~2008/09

- 協助市場調查

- 整理客戶資料及聯絡客戶

- 產品宣傳活動現場協助

- 協助行銷部主任與客部門的聯繫



專業技能 :

  • 英語能力 : 全民英檢中高級,TOEIC 865分,托福 95分
  • 打字速度 : 中打:80字/分 英打:40字/分
  • 電腦能力 : Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Access,Photoshop, HTML網頁編寫程式