Home NTU Enspyre Intern Group (14)
Enspyre Intern Group (14)
週三, 10 十月 2012 00:09

宋怡寧 Amberdine's Intern Profile

Written by 宋怡寧

Name: 宋怡寧 Amberdine Sung

University: Fu Jen Catholic University (FJCU)

Major: English Language and Literature

Intern: Internet Marketing, Enspyre

 Motivation for Internship at Enspyre

From 2010 to 2011, I participated in a national creative marketing competition with four of my classmates. Our team worked together to expand our knowledge of marketing through experimentation and analysis of the successes and failures of leading companies' marketing campaigns. During this year-long endeavor, we  worked together as a team to develop an effective marketing campaign for a shoe manufacturer in Taiwan. We came in second place in this competition. It was during this period when I discovered I had an interest and a passion toward marketing.

When I am passionate about something, I am enthusiastic to learn more about it. When an opportunity arose with Enspyre, I was eager to join Enspyre and broaden my knowledge and experience.

週三, 10 十月 2012 16:40

楊榮敏 Vira Yang's Intern Profile

Written by 楊榮敏

Name: Vira Yang 楊榮敏

School: National Tsinghua University 國立清華大學

Major: Foreign Languages and Literatures 外文系

實習公司:Enspyre (安石國際商務顧問股份有限公司)

實習內容 :Internet marketing (網路行銷)




週三, 10 十月 2012 11:11

曾詩倍-Bridget Tseng's intern Profile

Written by Bridget

中英姓名 : 曾詩倍 / Bridget

就讀學校:淡江大學 TKU

就讀系所:國際企業學系 (International Business)


實習內容 :Internet marketing (網路行銷)



然後,人生就是如此峰迴路轉,因緣際會下我從朋友口中得知Enspyre實習計畫的,當時是抱著姑且一試的心情,沒想到真的順利加入實習團隊。接觸到的東西,並非前所未聞,但我也只是略知皮毛。當然,學校的行銷課我有上過,但真的用上卻又是另一回事。所以就當是為了更接近現實,我想知道自己能做什麼,適合做什麼,還想做什麼。動機聽起來很不遠大,但對我來說卻是真真切切的。還有,我真的很不敢相信有企業敢把case交給初出茅廬的實習生!對於公司來說,這十分risky,可能也不是什麼聰明的抉擇。但對我來說,這是一件超酷的事,也是我當初二話不說就想加入Enspyre的重要因素。I can get to do what I want, it's super awesome!

週二, 09 十月 2012 22:22

朱得誠 Chudy's Intern profile

Written by 朱得誠

中文姓名 : 朱得誠



就讀系所:經濟系(Department of Economics)


實習內容:Internet Marketing

Why Enspyre?


週三, 10 十月 2012 14:11

曾翊庭 Garry Tseng's Intern Profile

Written by 曾翊庭

Name: 曾翊庭 Garry Tseng

School: National Chiao Tung University 國立交通大學

Department: Electronic Engineering 電子工程學系

實習公司:Enspyre (安石國際商務顧問股份有限公司)

實習內容:Internet Marketing (網路行銷)

Self Introduction

I am currently a fifth year student in National Chiao Tung University. 

In my junior year, I discovered that I am not interested in electronic engineering. Since then, I have taken courses in other departments and tried things I have never done before. I realized that marketing is more fascinating, so I decided to spend an extra year to study marketing before graduation.

I enjoy meeting people. Understanding people's psychologies is not only interesting but also helpful in enlarging my horizon. I also enjoy photography, programming, and studying World War II.

週三, 10 十月 2012 18:27

蔡怡宣 Anny Tsai's Intern Profile

Written by 蔡怡宣

中英姓名: 蔡怡宣 / Anny Tsai 

就讀學校: National Taiwan University

就讀系所: Foreign Languages and LIteratures

實習內容: Internet Marketing

實習公司: Enspyre 安石國際商務顧問股份有限公司

Why Join Enspyre

It’s my last year in the university, and in the following months, I will probably go to seek for my future job busily. Since my major is English literature, I think it is important to equip myself with professional skills and knowledge. With the advance of technology, Internet has significantly changed people’s lives and how they think.

How to link marketing and Internet becomes an issue for people to think about. Therefore, although I have not learned about anything on marketing before, I am eager to learn more about this upcoming trend and gain experiences from this internship program.Thus, when I first saw Enspyre Internship Program on the campus bulletin, I knew this is what I  want.

週五, 04 五月 2012 16:44

Enspyre Intern Group (14)

Written by Zoe


安石國際 2012.10~2012.13 第十四組實習生

輔仁大學宋怡寧 Amberdine

淡江大學曾詩倍 Bridget

台灣大學蔡怡宣 Anny

清華大學楊榮敏 Vira